PopTards Podcast Eppy 18 - Clash of the Titans (Remake AND Original!)
Previous Episode:17 - Amazing Spider-Man: THE GAUNTLET!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
PopTards and Comic Panels: Joe The Barbarian Review
Friday, January 22, 2010
PopTards & PopCorn: Zombieland by Kire Carlson
(Kire thought he'd be a smartass and submit this as his review...so I thought I'd be a smartass and post it anyway - Jd):
Halfway through the film the cast stops to watch Ghostbusters.
It occurred to me that I suddenly wished I was at home also watching Ghostbusters.
The End.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Time Keeps on Ticking by Slai Washko

This week I find myself without a specific media of which I’d like to speak, though I am actively reading, listening, and watching. Three weeks into a new year has me pondering and planning, analyzing and architecting.
Time, that commodity and ever-waning measurement of our lives, is on my mind as of late. I am making it a point to enjoy mine as I hope you are as well.
Before moving back to Pennsylvania in July from L.A. I worked a minimal of 60 hours a week, my record being 93 hours in one week amongst four jobs. I was quite proud at the time. Proud that I was so wanted for my skills and proud that I was physically capable, for reasons I may or may not reveal if you follow my writing. However, there is a price for this pride. I connected with friends and fans of mutual interests through social networking sites more than in person for lack of time and was simultaneously less connected.
Now, 6 months into a lifestyle where I actually have time to spend with friends new and nostalgic, time to further reconnoitre all the arts that revive for me why it’s so miraculous to be human, and time to be well-rested enough to not question my acumen as much, I am valuing all those who purposefully produce that which provides education, entertainment, and salubrious escapism.
In this time of economic instability and insecurity when we can be made to feel like peons despite all we may have to contribute, when we are easily reminded of reprobate representatives of the lesser aspects of “civilization” in the daily news, and when destruction can temporarily overshadow restoration, this is the time we need to acknowledge those that progress our culture forward: artists, heroes, and healers.
Often these archetypes are hidden in the monotony of our quotidian routines, but really, they are wherever you find them. They are waiting to be discovered and inspire you. It may be within a siren’s voice through which heartache is relatable and helps you feel less alone. It may be in a book that makes you laugh in what would have been your darkest moment. It may be in a film that pulls you into a story when your own is less than inviting, but advances you to make a positive change. It may be that video game that lets you be the hero and save the day or safely be the villain when you just want to blow something up. It may be in a picture just meant to move you. And yes, Loves, graphic novels encompass it all. These are never a waste of time and are often better shared.
So here I am aspiring to share, a perspective, some hope. We’re not ‘Tards because we’re lacking. We are making what we want of our time whether or not it suits the speed of society’s standard and we’ll be better people for it.
Well, My Darling Literates, That’s a weight off my brain. As always, thank you for reading and even better would be if you share with me the media that incites you.
Cheers! Yay!
If a Hulk Falls in the Woods.. and no one gives a crap...?
(Mild Spoilers Ahead)
So about 6 issues after Red Hulk appeared, I decided I no longer gave a flimflam who he was. I know that Bruce can't turn into the Hulk anymore, Leonard Sampson seems to be bad these days, there's a Red She-Hulk running around and General Thunderbolt Ross is dead. Oh and Betty is alive?? This is all I knew before coming in on FALL OF THE HULKS week one. Unsure of which one to start reading first, I took a look at the inside first page and it seemed to indicate with a little arrow that Hulk #19 is the one to begin with. LIES, I tell you! Deceit! Fibberpants!
But anyhoo, this story was pretty basic. Some evil jerkynuts decide to start taking out the 8 smartest people on earth, starting with...you guessed it (or did you? did you even try to guess? I have no way of knowing..cause ..you know..this is a blog.) Reed Richards and his Fantastical Four. And you know what? I don't care. I have such a hard time caring about the current Hulk sitch in Marvel. And the featured villians in this issue are: Wizard, Klaw, Lyra and Trapster (previously known, amazingly, as Paste Pot Pete)... and so I found little to care about in this issue besides Ed McGuiness' art, which was, as usual, pretty great. Though his Thing looks alot more like an Art Adams Thing then a McGuiness Thing. I hoped that while I didn't care too much of this issue, maybe things would ramp up in the second issue of the week:
Incredible Hulk #606.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Muffin-tops and Goths: Wet Moon Book 1
I am not, despite what my high school bullies may have thought, a 15 year old girl. I am also not goth, though I suppose I may have dabbled a bit while settling myself into the punk subculture. I've always been more about expressing my anger and humor through music then wallowing in sadness and writing in my journal. For these reasons, I'm not totally able to enjoy the characters in this series. There are aspects that I can definitely relate to, like going to art school, hanging out with my reject friends, having fairly mundane conversations about the most trivial of things that seem to mean the world to us. For THESE reasons, I made it through this edition and will be checking out the next one, at least. But whatever pros or cons I may be struggling with in regards to the story, I'm not having any bit of inner turmoil just staring at the art in this book.
The art by Ross Campbell is every beautiful girl that I glance at out of the corner of my eye, but am too chicken-shit to talk to, and so when our eyes meet I quickly look away nervously, not wanting to make her feel uncomfortable. Thankfully this book can't feel uncomfortable, otherwise it would probably issue a restraining order against me just for staring so damn much. And don't get me wrong, it isn't because the characters in the book are drawn as overly sexy. Most of the characters are either lanky and awkward or pudgy and walking around with their muffin-tops hanging over their studded belts. But everything is so beautifully rendered with such a seductive line that it's just so damn enrapturing.
Book One captures the feeling of being just out of high school and wandering your way into college and all the drama that entails, which is great since that's what the story is about, so far. But it's also part of the problem. So far the story has yet to really capture my attention in any other way but tapping into my nostalgia for entering art school. I'm hoping that volume two really gets into the meat of the story and drags me along for the ride.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Recapitulation of The Kryptonite Kid - a Novel by Joseph Torchia

And then there's the ending which I can't tell you about because you have to read it. After reading, I hope you write to me and share your experience. I prefer anonymous snail mail with multi-colored and fonted words constructed of magazine clippings because it makes me feel more important. If it seems that this last paragraph took a drastic turn from the previous content it may be analogous to the ending of The Kryptonite Kid. Thanks to JD for sharing his very large...book collection.
Thank you for reading.
Cheers! Yay!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Zombies are ALIVE!!!!!