(Mild Spoilers Ahead)
So about 6 issues after Red Hulk appeared, I decided I no longer gave a flimflam who he was. I know that Bruce can't turn into the Hulk anymore, Leonard Sampson seems to be bad these days, there's a Red She-Hulk running around and General Thunderbolt Ross is dead. Oh and Betty is alive?? This is all I knew before coming in on FALL OF THE HULKS week one. Unsure of which one to start reading first, I took a look at the inside first page and it seemed to indicate with a little arrow that Hulk #19 is the one to begin with. LIES, I tell you! Deceit! Fibberpants!
But anyhoo, this story was pretty basic. Some evil jerkynuts decide to start taking out the 8 smartest people on earth, starting with...you guessed it (or did you? did you even try to guess? I have no way of knowing..cause ..you know..this is a blog.) Reed Richards and his Fantastical Four. And you know what? I don't care. I have such a hard time caring about the current Hulk sitch in Marvel. And the featured villians in this issue are: Wizard, Klaw, Lyra and Trapster (previously known, amazingly, as Paste Pot Pete)... and so I found little to care about in this issue besides Ed McGuiness' art, which was, as usual, pretty great. Though his Thing looks alot more like an Art Adams Thing then a McGuiness Thing. I hoped that while I didn't care too much of this issue, maybe things would ramp up in the second issue of the week:
Incredible Hulk #606.
As for the story so far, however, I'm basically just slogging through it in the hopes that something important or interesting might happen.
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