PopTards Podcast Eppy 18 - Clash of the Titans (Remake AND Original!)
Previous Episode:17 - Amazing Spider-Man: THE GAUNTLET!
Monday, April 12, 2010
NEW Poptards YouTube Channel! Poptards Interview!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Comics: Blackest Night #8 by Optimus Douche
With a blinding white light the Blackest Night is finally extinguished. Did this moment cause me to ejaculate with glee? No. Am I going to derail Johns’ writing like so many other reviews bombarding the Intertubes? No. Because at the end of the day, the BLACKEST NIGHT finale was exactly what I expected — and it is no fault of Johns. If there’s anyone to blame, it’s the current state of comics. Comics have always been a business, but today they serve less as the primary business and more of a whirling dervish spitting out synergistic channels of upsell revenue in the form of movies, video games, cartoons and apps…the game can’t change too much without those other channels (that keep the stocks afloat, which keeps our books coming, etc…) suffering a complete collapse.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Feh! You got some mishegas in my mashugana!

Friday, April 2, 2010
Movie Review by Pete Tutton: HACKERS
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Comics: Nemesis #1 Review by Optimus Douche
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Comics: Olympus Vol. 1, Reviewed by Tim Hershey
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Weekly Web-Up: Amazing Spider-Man # 626
The Gauntlet continues! Last week saw the release of that instant-classic Rhino vs. Rhino story, and now we have this standalone story. Well, I mean, it ties into the Gauntlet and all, but there isn’t an official Gauntlet villain. A classic villain, THE SCORPION, is mentioned. And the 2nd Scorpion, the female one who was a supporting player in HULK a few years back, makes an appearance. Remember her, JD?
The Blind Side of the Oscars

Well, in my quest to see all of the top 10 nominations for best picture I watched "The Blind Side". This was a fun feel good movie, but apparently the Oscars felt bad because Sandra Bullock has never won for Best Actress. She wasn't horrible, but she wasn't outstanding.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Comic Review: The Anchor
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Up in the Air Review

So I have been on a mission to watch all of the movies that were on the Oscar's Best Movies of 2009 Nominees list. So far I have seen 6 out of the 10. In this case I enjoyed the interesting movie that is "Up in the Air."
Friday, March 19, 2010
Weekly Web-up: Amazing Spider-Man 625
Writer: Joe Kelly
Artists: Max Fiumara
Colors: Fabio D'Auria
Hey there Spider-philes, JD and MasterFilmMakerMarkMackner back again for this weeks Web-Up. More Gauntlet going on, this time returning to the Rhino Vs Rhino storyline from a couple issues back. As you'll recall, unless you're really bad at recalling things, the Old Rhino (Aleksei Sytsevich) has fallen in love and given up wearing the inpenetrable hide to be with his beloved Oksana. However, a douche has gotten himself a more techsavvy version of the Rhino suit and wields a scythe (cause Rhinos...do that?) and has it in his lil brain that he needs to defeat the Aleksei in order to "ascend" into being the new Rhino.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Comic Review: X-Men Hope #1
Check out the original and all his others over at Aintitcoolnews!
Writer: Duane Swierczynski
Artist: Steve Dillon
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Remember the great training montages from 80s movies like “Karate Kid” (“You’re the Best”) or any of the “Rocky” movies, those brief moments where our protagonist goes from zero to hero all in the course of two minutes and thirty-five seconds? If you went to the movies for those moments alone then you’ll love X-MEN HOPE, because it is basically the price we used to pay for the movies with training montages, minus the movie.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Weekly Web-up: Amazing Spider-Man 624
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Listen to Episode 14! We do a Double-Take on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!
So, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the live-action movie, was the isht when it first came out, provided you were the right age for such things. Which, we happened to be.
Does it keep it's charm? Listen to JD, Slai and Kevin's opinions or else!
A Capricious Pilgrimage: A Review of Scott Pilgrim Vol. 1 Precious Little Life by Bryan Lee O’Malley

by Slai Washko
I was skeptical. I immediately delighted in the unconstrained and fun illustration style, but I feared relating in all the wrong ways having been a Chinese Catholic-schoolgirl who dated older men, like Scott’s ingenue-interest Knives Chau. (Though, “Hooray!” for Asian representation in a comic.)
However, being a songstress instead of a groupie freed me to appreciate this whimsical adventure of improvident youth. My adult veneer and my precocious inner child are having serious debates over this tale. The grown-up version wants Scott to get a real job and an apartment with at least his own room and to stop stringing along a puppy-loving idolizing high-schooler while pursuing a fishnet wearing rollerblade messenger with “evil” ex-boyfriends, but then there wouldn’t be much of story. The non-conformist, uniqueness-celebrating, do-what-you-have-to-do-to-be-happy-and-get-by part of me just enjoys the hell out of Scott and all the characters in his allegory, though I wonder less what life would have been like if I hadn’t decided to work full-time since I was 17 and have markedly achievable goals.
My favorite part of Scott’s world is his scaling system, the introduction of which is: “SCOTT PILGRIM; 23 YEARS OLD; RATING: AWESOME.” It is a simple and to-the- point critique of himself and his surroundings that delineates a nature that is bound to get him into trouble. I look forward to reading the other volumes, but am tentative about how much I want to read before the movie comes out. So whether you’re 20-something and want to dive into some entertaining 20-something angst and rock or you’re if feeling nostalgic, you’ll likely find inked doppelgangers of yourself or people you know. It’s worth a read.
Cheers! Yay!
P.S. This is the most hyphens I’ve ever used in one article.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Star Trek Online Review - by Optimus Douche
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Episode 13 is up! KICK-ASS MOVIE REVIEW!
Friday, February 26, 2010
Lost Discussion with Jess "The Hoss" Tutton
This was a pretty cool episode, leading to hopefully a super cool showdown episode next week. This episode was mostly about Jack being groomed by Jacob (via Hugo) to do whatever it is he needs him to do. Become Jacob? Do whatever Locke was supposed to do? Be the candidate to defend the island? Meanwhile, in never never land, or the alternative reality Jack has a kid. Huh- what? A teenage kid at that. When did that happen? And how did the plane not crashing cause him to have a son? That whole thing is still so unclear. Also unclear why blowing up the hatch caused the island to never exist. I guess we'll get more on that plotline later.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Friday, February 19, 2010
Movie Review by Pete Tutton: Street Fighter
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Episode 11 is up! Movie Review: The Wolfman
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Weekly LOST Discussion! by Jess "The Hoss" Tutton
Things are becoming clearer, aren't they? As we thought previously, Jacob has been selecting people to bring to the island. This is why he touched them. And why the Man in Black knew how people keep ending up on the island. The Man in Black states that Jacob wants them there as replacements. However, it is unknown if everything he states is true. It was cool to see the last names of our castaways behind the famous "numbers." It is also interesting to see how early on Jacob chose some of our castaways.
Which brings me to my new theory. Perhaps the parallel universe we are seeing, sans plane crash is the world that would exist if Jacob had not chosen to bring certain people to the island. This may explain how Ben is a school teacher. However, fate is fate, and without Jacob's intervention, it seems that certain paths were meant to cross. Maybe this would help to explain why certain things are different. Like why Hurley is happy or something, and not afraid of the numbers anymore. It does not explain why Locke lived unless it was not Jacob who prevented him from dying. Who knows.
Also of interest this episode- the boy? Was it a young Jacob? Was it someone else? Is he a ghost? Is he a ghost of a formerly dead Jacob? As we know, the Man In Black, has inhabited other bodies once he died as a human. Perhaps this is the age that Jacob first died at, and Jacob later went into another body. Who knows? All we know is that kids can't be born though, and he had on some old ratty looking clothes. My guess is that he is from a former time- but when? His warning to man in black was "You can't kill him." Did he mean, you can't kill Sawyer? As Richard hinted he might? Or did he mean you can't kill Jacob? As in those are the rules? Or as in Jacob can't really die? Many possibilities.
Well Man in Black did not kill Sawyer, but did recruit him. As Richard said he would. Richard also warned that he wanted Sawyer and everyone else dead. He is seemingly playing to Sawyer's desire to get off the island. But as true to his dark nature, it does not seem possible that he is all the way telling the truth. Richard seems very very afraid. Yes Man in Black wants to get off the island, but what does he want to do when he leaves? Does he want to kill many people- is this what Richard is referring to? I do think there is some sort of balance between the Man in Black and Jacob, that has been offset and the Man in Black may be dangerous not only to the island- but to the world at large. He may want the world dead, in some kind of satany apocaylpse kind of way, and hence his need to "recruit."
I do not think it is an accident that Jacob is the name of a ruler. Jacob is a name with significance in the bible, and Jacob was often at odds with others. I was re-reading some Biblical information today and there were some similar themes. Not to say that this about God or anything or the bible, but it may be that there are some recurring historical themes between good and evil.
I really enjoy the alternative reality Hurley and how he is so happy and granting wishes left and right. He seems like an angel. Interesting that Locke was with his girlfriend as they had been broken up before the crash of the light. So some past realities have been resolved. However, Rose still has cancer. Things are messed up, past and present, it's not like everything was fixed from the time of the bomb on...
The more I've given thought to this episode, the cooler it seems.
Anyways, please do discuss amongst yourselves, lots of good food for thought this week....
Friday, February 12, 2010
Weekly LOST Discussion! Part 2 - by Jess "The Hoss" Tutton
Sorry this is a little delayed folks, by internet was misbehaving in the Blizzard (the second one) of 2010. Also sorry for all the questions and stream of consciousness. But, this is LOST. It's hard to peg down.
This episode was okay. I wasn't on the edge of my seat or anything. It seems to be one of those episodes that seemingly continues to string us along, leading us into begging for more information. What did we learn? Not too much this time around. Well, we saw that Clare is still alive though the "new Others" say she is "infected." Her new style and ways seem to imply she is Rousseau-ing it up. Also, all this talk of "infection" is very season 1-3. Rousseau said this is what happened to her team. And we do know they died somewhere around the temple as we saw Jin help them last season, in a time travel twist. What is this infection? We don't know. Rousseau didn't die but her crew did, will Sayid die... again? Is this a physical disease or a spiritual disease? When they brought Sayid back to life, they noticed that the water wasn't clear, was that part of the problem? These are the same people who revived Ben. Was something different about Ben's revival? Just some interesting things to think about.... Kate is also very interested in meeting up with Claire. Is Clare dead? Was Rousseau already dead when we saw her? And why do you need to poke someone with hot sticks to figure out if they are infected?
It doesn't appear that Sayid is being inhabited by Jacob. Who knows. When the Man in Black inhabited Locke, he had two bodies, so I guess that kind of makes sense. But, I don't think we've seen the last of Jacob.
In the other plotline, after they get off at LAX, it seems Kate still plays a role in Claire's birthing of Aaron. The adoptive family can not adopt Claire's baby. It seems that even on the other plane of existence, in one way or another, things happened as they did on the island. It does seem that a common theme seems to be that as Daniel had said, things are meant to happen and will happen no matter what. Interesting to see Ethan reemerge in the hospital. Why is he not on the island? It also appears that some of them recognize each other in some way, so it will be interesting to see how that angle plays out. Will the end be the same in both places, stay tuned.
I think a theme of this whole season , and really the whole series- is two different teams. Dark versus light. Good versus bad. Team man in black versus Jacob team. It's confusing to think how Clare and Rousseau fit in, along with our LOST castaways. Who is good and who is bad? Is there a good or a bad, or just a "dilemma"?
We saw Rob McElhenney of "It's Always Sunny" fame reprise his role - briefly- as Aldo. This gave us a general tee hee in our household.
Feel free to post away about things you noticed, or any clever ideas you might have, or any questions. Goodness knows you could write a dissertation on such things. So keep the discussion going!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Comics: Demo #1
The first maxi-series titled Demo, brainchild of indy superstars Brian Wood and Becky Cloonan, was a fantastic collection of one shots, detailing the trials of "real life" characters having some sort of paranormal power. Basically, an indy take on mutants. And, for the most part, it was great. There were perhaps one or two issues that didn't really capture me the way the rest of the series did. Sadly, with the inaugural story of this second volume, this issue is one of those. Becky Cloonan's artwork is, as always, engaging and dynamic..but Wood's story hinges on the ending; the answer that the main character is seeking. Which, from the beginning, seemed obvious and, if I may, a bit "been there, done that".
And an argument might be made that it's not the destination, it's the journey. Not in this case, I'm afraid. It's a one-shot and therefore the story isn't really given any room to breathe. Joan's recurring nightmare, her increasing obsession over that nightmare, the fact that she's been up for 9 days straight. None of that is really FELT, it's just SAID. So, while this story is too quick to really get involved, it also would have been a shame to give it any more definition since the ending was obvious from the beginning.
However, I'm still very optimistic about the rest of the series, I just wish this issue had been placed somewhere in the middle of the series, as it wasn't the best one to start off with.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Comic Review: The Bomb
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Comics: The Unwritten, Vol.1
If you are not already, it is about time you open your mind to the world of literature and read the Unwritten.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Weekly LOST Discussion!
by Jessica "The Hoss" Tutton
I don't think there is any real way to "review" LOST, so I think the best forum for a weekly discussion of LOST would be a discussion format. I will post some of my thoughts and questions after an episode, and feel free to share your thoughts and feelings as well in the comment section below.
Let me to start by saying how bittersweet Season 6 of LOST is. It's great to finally see the show getting some answers, but sad to know all good things come to an end. However, I think a forced ending will enable the show to go out strong, and prevent any more "Nicky and Paolo" incidents (which the writers have apologized for since!) I am not at all confused by the show, I like the questions it poses. I love shows and movies were I am not handled all the details at once. I like trying to figure things out, and being left with some open doors. Thankfully, the writers of the show want to continue on in this fashion, answering many questions but leaving some hanging out there. In a recent Entertainment Weekly article, they say, "We don't want to explain everything the way midicholorions did for Star Wars." And thank goodness for small favors.
That being said, we did learn some interesting things last night. We learned the man in black is actually also the Smoke Monster. Which brings in the option of the Man in Black and Jacob being able to take on various forms. We also revisited the theme of the "universe has a way of course correcting"- Charlie told Jack "I was supposed to die." Someone on a forum I read pointed out that Kate and Clare were together, so maybe Kate will help Clare deliver Aaron after all. And of course, Christian Shepherd's body is "lost." Jack and Locke had a discussion about faith at the airport.
We also had some more questions raised. Here are some of mine:
- Are we dealing with parallel universes here? How did the past get changed as well? For example, Locke maybe went on a walkabout and Hurley feels lucky as they pull into LAX.
- Did Jacob jump into Sayid's body? Pete guessed this last night and I like the idea. Jacob did go and ask Hurley for help, not to save Sayid's life.
- Why was Desmond on the plane?
- Why wasn't Shannon on the plane? (Not that I miss her mind you, Boone said she decided to stay in her relationship.)
- Why couldn't the Man in Black leave the island, but Jacob can? And wouldn't it be dangerous for him to leave the island with his smokiness? I keep thinking the battle between Jacob and Man in Black is good versus evil and really what this is all about? Or is Man in Black's "home" not off the island?
- How is the Widmore vs. Ben thing going to fit in to everything else? Ben seems clueless. However, there have been indications before that Ben and Widmore could not kill each other.
- Are there multple time dimensions/ parallel universes- for example- we see the island underwater?
Anyways, just some thoughts after watching the first episode(s). LOST always makes you think a whole bunch. I thought it was a really great dive back into the spirit of what makes us love LOST. We have some questions, some answers, and only a few more episodes to discover it all. Stay tuned...
Jrunktards...Coming to an Eardrum near you!

So the time has come to unleash what will be the worst game show (in the audio format, silly I know) ever to hit your ears. We test our wits against each other while tackling questions and drinking. Expect expletives, slurring and dumb comments that have nothing to do with the answer.
PopTards & PopCorn: The Room
By: Jess "The Hoss" Tutton
Monday, February 1, 2010
PopTards Episode 9 is UP!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
PopTards and Comic Panels: Joe The Barbarian Review
Friday, January 22, 2010
PopTards & PopCorn: Zombieland by Kire Carlson
(Kire thought he'd be a smartass and submit this as his review...so I thought I'd be a smartass and post it anyway - Jd):
Halfway through the film the cast stops to watch Ghostbusters.
It occurred to me that I suddenly wished I was at home also watching Ghostbusters.
The End.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Time Keeps on Ticking by Slai Washko

This week I find myself without a specific media of which I’d like to speak, though I am actively reading, listening, and watching. Three weeks into a new year has me pondering and planning, analyzing and architecting.
Time, that commodity and ever-waning measurement of our lives, is on my mind as of late. I am making it a point to enjoy mine as I hope you are as well.
Before moving back to Pennsylvania in July from L.A. I worked a minimal of 60 hours a week, my record being 93 hours in one week amongst four jobs. I was quite proud at the time. Proud that I was so wanted for my skills and proud that I was physically capable, for reasons I may or may not reveal if you follow my writing. However, there is a price for this pride. I connected with friends and fans of mutual interests through social networking sites more than in person for lack of time and was simultaneously less connected.
Now, 6 months into a lifestyle where I actually have time to spend with friends new and nostalgic, time to further reconnoitre all the arts that revive for me why it’s so miraculous to be human, and time to be well-rested enough to not question my acumen as much, I am valuing all those who purposefully produce that which provides education, entertainment, and salubrious escapism.
In this time of economic instability and insecurity when we can be made to feel like peons despite all we may have to contribute, when we are easily reminded of reprobate representatives of the lesser aspects of “civilization” in the daily news, and when destruction can temporarily overshadow restoration, this is the time we need to acknowledge those that progress our culture forward: artists, heroes, and healers.
Often these archetypes are hidden in the monotony of our quotidian routines, but really, they are wherever you find them. They are waiting to be discovered and inspire you. It may be within a siren’s voice through which heartache is relatable and helps you feel less alone. It may be in a book that makes you laugh in what would have been your darkest moment. It may be in a film that pulls you into a story when your own is less than inviting, but advances you to make a positive change. It may be that video game that lets you be the hero and save the day or safely be the villain when you just want to blow something up. It may be in a picture just meant to move you. And yes, Loves, graphic novels encompass it all. These are never a waste of time and are often better shared.
So here I am aspiring to share, a perspective, some hope. We’re not ‘Tards because we’re lacking. We are making what we want of our time whether or not it suits the speed of society’s standard and we’ll be better people for it.
Well, My Darling Literates, That’s a weight off my brain. As always, thank you for reading and even better would be if you share with me the media that incites you.
Cheers! Yay!
If a Hulk Falls in the Woods.. and no one gives a crap...?
(Mild Spoilers Ahead)
So about 6 issues after Red Hulk appeared, I decided I no longer gave a flimflam who he was. I know that Bruce can't turn into the Hulk anymore, Leonard Sampson seems to be bad these days, there's a Red She-Hulk running around and General Thunderbolt Ross is dead. Oh and Betty is alive?? This is all I knew before coming in on FALL OF THE HULKS week one. Unsure of which one to start reading first, I took a look at the inside first page and it seemed to indicate with a little arrow that Hulk #19 is the one to begin with. LIES, I tell you! Deceit! Fibberpants!
But anyhoo, this story was pretty basic. Some evil jerkynuts decide to start taking out the 8 smartest people on earth, starting with...you guessed it (or did you? did you even try to guess? I have no way of knowing..cause ..you know..this is a blog.) Reed Richards and his Fantastical Four. And you know what? I don't care. I have such a hard time caring about the current Hulk sitch in Marvel. And the featured villians in this issue are: Wizard, Klaw, Lyra and Trapster (previously known, amazingly, as Paste Pot Pete)... and so I found little to care about in this issue besides Ed McGuiness' art, which was, as usual, pretty great. Though his Thing looks alot more like an Art Adams Thing then a McGuiness Thing. I hoped that while I didn't care too much of this issue, maybe things would ramp up in the second issue of the week:
Incredible Hulk #606.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Muffin-tops and Goths: Wet Moon Book 1
I am not, despite what my high school bullies may have thought, a 15 year old girl. I am also not goth, though I suppose I may have dabbled a bit while settling myself into the punk subculture. I've always been more about expressing my anger and humor through music then wallowing in sadness and writing in my journal. For these reasons, I'm not totally able to enjoy the characters in this series. There are aspects that I can definitely relate to, like going to art school, hanging out with my reject friends, having fairly mundane conversations about the most trivial of things that seem to mean the world to us. For THESE reasons, I made it through this edition and will be checking out the next one, at least. But whatever pros or cons I may be struggling with in regards to the story, I'm not having any bit of inner turmoil just staring at the art in this book.
The art by Ross Campbell is every beautiful girl that I glance at out of the corner of my eye, but am too chicken-shit to talk to, and so when our eyes meet I quickly look away nervously, not wanting to make her feel uncomfortable. Thankfully this book can't feel uncomfortable, otherwise it would probably issue a restraining order against me just for staring so damn much. And don't get me wrong, it isn't because the characters in the book are drawn as overly sexy. Most of the characters are either lanky and awkward or pudgy and walking around with their muffin-tops hanging over their studded belts. But everything is so beautifully rendered with such a seductive line that it's just so damn enrapturing.
Book One captures the feeling of being just out of high school and wandering your way into college and all the drama that entails, which is great since that's what the story is about, so far. But it's also part of the problem. So far the story has yet to really capture my attention in any other way but tapping into my nostalgia for entering art school. I'm hoping that volume two really gets into the meat of the story and drags me along for the ride.