PopTards Podcast Eppy 18 - Clash of the Titans (Remake AND Original!)
Previous Episode:17 - Amazing Spider-Man: THE GAUNTLET!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Comics: Olympus Vol. 1, Reviewed by Tim Hershey
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Weekly Web-Up: Amazing Spider-Man # 626
The Gauntlet continues! Last week saw the release of that instant-classic Rhino vs. Rhino story, and now we have this standalone story. Well, I mean, it ties into the Gauntlet and all, but there isn’t an official Gauntlet villain. A classic villain, THE SCORPION, is mentioned. And the 2nd Scorpion, the female one who was a supporting player in HULK a few years back, makes an appearance. Remember her, JD?
The Blind Side of the Oscars

Well, in my quest to see all of the top 10 nominations for best picture I watched "The Blind Side". This was a fun feel good movie, but apparently the Oscars felt bad because Sandra Bullock has never won for Best Actress. She wasn't horrible, but she wasn't outstanding.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Comic Review: The Anchor
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Up in the Air Review

So I have been on a mission to watch all of the movies that were on the Oscar's Best Movies of 2009 Nominees list. So far I have seen 6 out of the 10. In this case I enjoyed the interesting movie that is "Up in the Air."
Friday, March 19, 2010
Weekly Web-up: Amazing Spider-Man 625
Writer: Joe Kelly
Artists: Max Fiumara
Colors: Fabio D'Auria
Hey there Spider-philes, JD and MasterFilmMakerMarkMackner back again for this weeks Web-Up. More Gauntlet going on, this time returning to the Rhino Vs Rhino storyline from a couple issues back. As you'll recall, unless you're really bad at recalling things, the Old Rhino (Aleksei Sytsevich) has fallen in love and given up wearing the inpenetrable hide to be with his beloved Oksana. However, a douche has gotten himself a more techsavvy version of the Rhino suit and wields a scythe (cause Rhinos...do that?) and has it in his lil brain that he needs to defeat the Aleksei in order to "ascend" into being the new Rhino.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Comic Review: X-Men Hope #1
Check out the original and all his others over at Aintitcoolnews!
Writer: Duane Swierczynski
Artist: Steve Dillon
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Remember the great training montages from 80s movies like “Karate Kid” (“You’re the Best”) or any of the “Rocky” movies, those brief moments where our protagonist goes from zero to hero all in the course of two minutes and thirty-five seconds? If you went to the movies for those moments alone then you’ll love X-MEN HOPE, because it is basically the price we used to pay for the movies with training montages, minus the movie.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Weekly Web-up: Amazing Spider-Man 624
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Listen to Episode 14! We do a Double-Take on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!
So, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the live-action movie, was the isht when it first came out, provided you were the right age for such things. Which, we happened to be.
Does it keep it's charm? Listen to JD, Slai and Kevin's opinions or else!
A Capricious Pilgrimage: A Review of Scott Pilgrim Vol. 1 Precious Little Life by Bryan Lee O’Malley

by Slai Washko
I was skeptical. I immediately delighted in the unconstrained and fun illustration style, but I feared relating in all the wrong ways having been a Chinese Catholic-schoolgirl who dated older men, like Scott’s ingenue-interest Knives Chau. (Though, “Hooray!” for Asian representation in a comic.)
However, being a songstress instead of a groupie freed me to appreciate this whimsical adventure of improvident youth. My adult veneer and my precocious inner child are having serious debates over this tale. The grown-up version wants Scott to get a real job and an apartment with at least his own room and to stop stringing along a puppy-loving idolizing high-schooler while pursuing a fishnet wearing rollerblade messenger with “evil” ex-boyfriends, but then there wouldn’t be much of story. The non-conformist, uniqueness-celebrating, do-what-you-have-to-do-to-be-happy-and-get-by part of me just enjoys the hell out of Scott and all the characters in his allegory, though I wonder less what life would have been like if I hadn’t decided to work full-time since I was 17 and have markedly achievable goals.
My favorite part of Scott’s world is his scaling system, the introduction of which is: “SCOTT PILGRIM; 23 YEARS OLD; RATING: AWESOME.” It is a simple and to-the- point critique of himself and his surroundings that delineates a nature that is bound to get him into trouble. I look forward to reading the other volumes, but am tentative about how much I want to read before the movie comes out. So whether you’re 20-something and want to dive into some entertaining 20-something angst and rock or you’re if feeling nostalgic, you’ll likely find inked doppelgangers of yourself or people you know. It’s worth a read.
Cheers! Yay!
P.S. This is the most hyphens I’ve ever used in one article.